Service Bundles

A simple way to get started.

What are Service Bundles?

Service Bundles  allow you to break a knowledge base into pieces and select what technical writing services you need for each task.

Bundles are perfect for when you want your team to take charge of your knowledge base, but they don't know where to start or just need a jump start on content. Bundles are also perfect to have a project ready to hand off to an outside technical writer.

Below we have our main service bundle and then a series of add-on services. 

Main Service Bundles

Knowledge Base Hierarchy

Teach us your software and we'll create the information structure for your end-user knowledge base! The best place to start for those making a new knowledge base.

  • Information Structure for Your Knowledge Base
  • A List of All Categories Needed
  • A List of All Articles Needed
  • Up to 6 Hour-Long Training Meetings with Your Team
  • Up to 2 Hour-Long Review Meetings


Add-On Services

These services can be selected with one of the main service bundles. Add-on services cannot be purchased on their own.

Article Templates

We'll work with your team to create templates for your articles. Your knowledge base might have several types of articles, each needs it's own look and feel. This ensures a consistent and professional looking user experience.

  • Up to 4 Sample Article Types
  • An Hour-Long Planning Meeting
  • A 2 Hour-Long Review Meeting


Style Guide

We'll work with your team to create a style guide for your knowledge base and help center content. From the font used, to the correct terminology, we'll help you make sure every new article matches your company brand.

  • An Editable Knowledge Base Style Guide
  • An Hour-Long Planning Meeting
  • A 2 Hour-Long Review Meeting


Project Management Plan

We'll work with your team and turn your Knowledge Base Hierarchy into a workable project in selected Project Management Software.

  • A Set Up Project in Selected Software **
  • A 2 Hour-Long Planning Meeting
  • Up to 2 Hour-Long Review Meetings


**Project Management Software supported includes Asana,, and Active Collab. Customers must already have the requisite subscription and seats to the software.

Understanding Service Bundles

Service Bundles are designed for small to medium software companies that need help jump-starting their end-user knowledge base. All bundles include several meetings with your team to discuss the service and the results.

When you've taken a look at our service bundles, you'll schedule a scoping call with one of our professionals.

The scoping call allows you to explain what bundles you're interested in. Our agent will help you if you're not sure which ones are best for you and then help you schedule the required meetings for the bundles.

Before your first meeting, you'll be sent an invoice with the total for the bundles you selected.

There are several benefits to a service bundle for software companies: 

  • You know exactly how much you're paying to accomplish a task and how much time your team needs to dedicate to it.
  • You have the option to use the service bundles as a foundation for your internal team or turn it over to a contractor to complete.
  • You and your team learn about end-user knowledge bases and find out if you're ready to fully dedicate to creating one.

Add-on services can only be purchased in addition to a Main Service bundle. 

All of the add-on services require an in-depth understanding of your software that our experts will gain working on the main service bundle.

If you have complex software that will require more than 6 meetings in hour increments, let us know during the scoping call. 

Most software can be fully demoed well within a 6-hour window. Try talking to your sales team or customer success department to see if they know an efficient way to train new users on the software.

If you can't show your software within 6 hours, the price can be adjusted to add more training meetings. You can discuss it on your scoping call and work it out with our agent.

If you've previously purchased a consult or are purchasing multiple add-ons, there may be discounts available to you!

Mention previous purchases or the number of add-ons you're looking to get during your scoping call to find out more!

Knowledge Base Hierarchy Bundle

Before you start writing articles for your knowledge base, you need to know how they fit together. Articles should be short and easily hyperlinked to other related articles. Users also expect articles to be organized intuitively, inside categories and subcategories that make sense. 

With this service bundle, our experts learn about your software from your team and create a comprehensive list of all the categories, subcategories, and articles, that your knowledge base should have. This provides you with a to-do list for getting your help center done and ensures your end-users can easily find the information they need.

Article Templates Bundle

Your knowledge base may have different sections for your end-users. One section may include tutorials and training guides, another regular how-to articles, and another release notes on new features. Each type of article should have a certain format and look that is consistent. 

Our team will work with yours to create simple article templates that anyone can follow to write consistent content. We'll go over what headings and sections belong in the different templates, font and color choices, and screenshot formatting.

Project Management Plan Bundle

Once you have a list of articles needed for your knowledge base, you need to keep track of what ones are written, under review, and posted. 

Our agents will work with your team to create a timetable for your project and translate your hierarchy into a set-up project in Asana, Monday, or Active Collab. If there is another project management system you use, talk to our agent during the scoping call to see if we can help. Rates may change for different project management software.

Note: You will need to have a subscription to the appropriate software with the tiers required for features like workflows and other desired tasks.

Style Guide Bundle

All of your documentation should have a certain tone and style. Consistent terminology should be used across all of your articles - you don't want different articles referring to tabs and buttons with different language and styles. 

We'll work with your team to create a style guide for any future writers to reference when adding to or editing your knowledge base. A style guide will save you time and effort later when your knowledge base grows. The style guide we create will be editable and can grow with your software.